What am i supposed to say when every worry is about you?
I'm falling to pieces
I'm falling to pieces..
And it breaks my heart to know that you'll never gonna miss me- i'm 100% sure about that you don't vene remember my name.. But...
You were always there for me.. But now.. everything is gone.. you're gone, our friendship is gone- EVERYTHING
I was always there for you, you knew that! But you didn't take my hand when i was to carry you on my shoulders.
I would travel the world to be with you, but you didn't understood that, you never wanted to..
I hope you'll find what you're looking for, and i hope that you'll find more than you ever had imagine.
I hope you'll find your way to the place you always wanted to be, and i hope that you'll find the one you always have been looking for..
You'll never gonna see me again- that's for sure!
I just asked you about the truth- but you couldn't give me a honest answer..
I told you to levave me alone, and you did..
Thank you(: